Book Launch at Nicola’s Books, May 21!
Come join me at Nicola’s Books on Jackson Ave. in Ann Arbor on May 21 at 7pm for a book launch event. You can RSVP on Facebook here.News: Exciting reviews coming in!
I’m not going to tell you every time there’s a review for Vessel, but there have been a few really exciting things I wanted to share with you.
An Invitation to Someone Else’s Table
Something has become clear to me: I find that I am less and less interested in watching white-centered stories, particularly white Americans.
The Necessity of Music
I’m old enough that I remember the glory days of the mixtape, the joys and frustrations of making one–running out of room on the tape! trying to catch the right song off the radio!–and the delight in receiving one…
I’m Not Who You Think I Am
Even if you’ve known me for years, I’ve been successfully deceiving you this entire time.
Why I Write About Trauma
I debated talking about this, but I’m generally very open about it, and I feel strongly about being open about it. So… hi. I’m your friendly neighborhood writer, and I’m mentally ill.
The Kindness of a Teacher
The summer before 7th grade, I wrote my very first story, longhand in one of those black and white composition notebooks. I was eleven years old, and I was writing fanfic before I knew what fanfic was.
Why Are the Avengers Like a Romance Novel?
For a lot of people, knowing that Endgame will likely fix things weakened the impact of the ending of Infinity War. I was not one of them.
How Do You Fix Your Story?
If writing a first draft is an exercise in silencing your inner critic, editing your first draft is an exercise in silencing your ego.