On a mission in deep space, the crew of the Sagittarius is devastated by a deadly, inexplicable incident.
Only one crew member survives, and NASA is desperate for information. But is Lieutenant Colonel Wells’s version of what happened the truth? Or is there more to the story than even she knows?
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After astronaut Catherine Wells’s ship undergoes a catastrophic event and loses contact with NASA, the entire world believes her to be dead. Miraculously—and mysteriously—she survives, though everyone else on the mission is lost, as are most of Catherine’s memories of her time in space. Her reentry after a decade away is a turbulent one: her husband has moved on with another woman, and the young daughter she left behind has grown into a teenager she barely recognizes.
Catherine, too, is different. The long years alone have changed her, and sometimes she feels disconnected—as though she isn’t herself anymore. As though she came back… wrong, somehow. There are periods of time she can’t account for, and she begins waking up in increasingly strange and worrisome locations, such as restricted areas of NASA headquarters. Suddenly she’s questioning everything about her mission: how her crew mates died, how she survived, and what’s happening to her now back on Earth. But Catherine may not be prepared for the answers her search will uncover…